Aims & Objectives

  1. To work for the socio – economic development of the Weaker Sections of the Trust, particularly in rural areas without any discrimination of the caste, creed, religion and sex etc.
  2. To provide scholarships to poor children  students.
  3. To establish conduct and encourage, schools, colleges, convention halls nursing homes, hospitals and more other educational institutions that impart education, training and discipline among youth.
  4. To organize seminars, to make known the general public with respect to their rights in the democratic country which every citizens has the right to enjoy as guaranteed under the constitution of India.
  5. To establish conduct or encourage institutions of any level to impart education and training in different fields such as education, health, culture for social and economic upliftment of both formal and informal nature for all persons of Trust including disabled.
  6. To promote sports, literacy, cultural, social and spiritual activities through training camps and other programs organized on its own or by others.
  7. To establish and run all types of firms and industries.
  8. To promote socio-economic welfare activities particulars among women, children SC/ST, BC and other weaker sections of the Trust.
  9. To help temples , mosques, churches and other cultural activities.
  10. To work for rural development and environment awareness and protection.
  11. To organize and establish human resource development centers in the field of self employment rural development or eradication of social evils and promote national integration.
  12. To publish educational literacy and spiritual works and research work.
  13. To establish health clinics, hospitals and medical centers to help the poor & needy.
  14. To organize and conduct training courses and camps for the betterment of unemployed men and women.
  15. To establish home for destitute women, children and rag pickers.
  16. To construct convention halls for the benefit of the Trust.
  17. To start protected water plant and supply packaged drinking water to poor freely and for others on nominal charge.
  18. To extend free service and assistance to victims of accidents and natural climates.
  19. To start orphanages and old age homes to orphans and old aged persons. To provide Annadanam activities through “TADAAST” program for all people.
  20. To start rythu mitra, women association and youth association and make these aware of savings and also to ensure marketing facilities for their products.
  21. To develop organic cultivation and encourage to use biogas and solar products.
  22. To extend financial assistance who those who are trained in self employment to developed their skill and earn for their families lively wood.
  23. To conduct programs to protect animals particularly cows.
  24. For the furtherance of the objects enumerated above, to maintain liaison with professional institutions and education and training bodies in various parts of the world.
  25. To act in collaboration with Central and State Governments and other appropriate agencies for formulation and execution of projects which would further the objects as set out above and to accept any grants or funds and donations for the said purpose.
  26. To act as a clearing house of information for various individuals, Institutions or other persons interested in the activities listed above.
  27. To Endeavour to establish and maintain liaison with other associations or organized bodies in India or abroad whose objects are in keeping with the objects of this trust.
  28. To purchase, take on lease or in exchange or otherwise acquire, hold, posses and dispose of any movable or immovable property which may be deemed necessary, expedient or desirable for any of the objects of this Trust.
  29. To enter into arrangements, amalgamation with any other association, institutions, societies or Trusts having similar objects this Trust.
  30. To borrow money or receive deposits upon such terms and conditions as the Board shall deem necessary or expedient for achieving the objects o the Trust.
  31. To help and assist poor and deserving people in marriage.
  32. To provide / assist in setting up laboratories.
  33. To make donations to other public charitable Trusts/ institutions recognized under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
  34. To set up and operate schools/colleges.
  35. To conduct nutritional and health services.
  36. Testing of diets from nutritional view point.
  37. To render assistance to poor patients by providing medicines, etc., provisions of health care, preventive medical services (Including dental services)
  38. Assistance of hospitals in setting up the various facilities like as Blood Bank, Eye Bank, Burn Centers etc., for the poor patients.
  39. Provision of outdoor dispensary or assistance there of the as to run “Mobile” medial serv
  40. Conduct education in health care or provide assistance in to provision of primary health care education.
  41. To set up hospitals/nursing homes for children / women.
  42. To render assistance to the handicapped.
  43. To provide monetary assistance and social services in case of natural calamities.
  44. To render financial assistance to the poor and the disadvantage.
  45. The Trust is Maintained 5 Policy System i.e VIGNANAM, SAHAKARAM, SAMANATVAM, SANKSHEMAM, SATKARAM on visible of our logo and finally the Trust represents “ A Charity for Social Engineering “.

Our Mission

To provide scholarships to poor children & students. To establish conduct and encourage, schools, colleges, convention halls nursing homes, hospitals and more other educational institutions that impart education, training and discipline among youth.

Our Vision

To work for the socio – economic development of the Weaker Sections of the Trust, particularly in rural areas without any discrimination of the caste, creed, religion and sex etc.